[ Collect Open 2023]

Connections - my Collect Open 2023 piece, including work in progress photos

In 2023 I had the honour of being selected by Crafts Council UK to be part of Collect, the leading international fair of craft and design, through the Collect Open initiative. The piece I made for the exhibition, “Connections”, is my largest-scale work to date. Foraged dried birch (Betula pendula) twigs trapped in tulle fabric, with accents of preserved rice flower (Ozothamnus diosmifolius), depict a spring scene of tree branches, flowers, foliage and birds flowing across three panels. The piece is inspired by the unity of nature, with the same vein-like branching structures bringing life to both flora and fauna. It speaks to the connectedness of natural systems at a time when biodiversity is under threat, reminding us that we are all part of a greater whole.